Продажа Roommate Corruption STEAM Россия

1 отзывов
2 продаж
205254 просмотр
408 ₽
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Приобретая данный товар вы получаете игру Roommate Corruption в качестве подарка для Российского аккаунта STEAM.

Игра строго 18+


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Roommate Corruption tells a story about a guy who's about to go to university. He left his hometown and is now looking for a place where he can live for a couple of weeks, until he finds a suitable flat and finishes his enrollment. Gladly, his childhood friend named Hana lives near the university, and she lets our hero to live in her apartment for a while.

But as soon as our hero move to her apartment, he find that she changed a lot - she's acting arrogantly, doesn't take him seriously and just seems like a total bitch. But our hero knows how to change that, and he quickly starts to educate her...

Roommate Corruption is a short novel about corruption divided into five small episodes - each of them shows a small shift in Hana's character, until she finally becomes obedient. Live these episodes, spend some time with Hana and show her how to behave.

• Hundreds of high-quality renders with cinematic frame composition.
• ≈1.5 hours of content
• Original in-game assets.
• A lot of 🔥 hot scenes!
Дополнительная информация
Ссылка на игру в Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2354520/Roommate_Corruption/
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